Debian Brazil Community will be present at Latinoware 2016

29/09/2016 por Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana

The 13th edition of the Latin American Open Source Software Conference - Latinoware 2016, will be held on october 19-21 at the premises of the Itaipu Technological Park (PTI), located at Itaipu power plant, in Foz do Iguaçu city - Brazil. Around 4.000 people, among students, professionals and specialists from the area are expected for this edition of the event.

During Latinoare 2016 the brazilian community of users and Debian developers will be present to realize some activities on track "MiniDebConf". These activities will be 01 workshop, 05 lightning talks and 07 lectures, all in portuguese. See below:


Title: Teaching and practicing the "transplant" of a Debian GNU/Linux installation


Title: Me, you and the Debian: how was my entry in Debian and how you can enter

Lightning talks:

Title: Debian to who want to be big

Title: Meet Debian Forensics Team

Title: News of the APT (Advanced Package Tool)

Title: Understand the Debian Policy

Title: Women of my Brazil, where are you???

Titlle: Ultimate debian database (udd) and a show of information e curiosities


Title: Debian - a universe under construction

Title: Debian Backstage: understand how the distribution works

Title: Installing a GNU Debian 100% free

Title: Joining Debian Translation Team

Title: Knowing the Debian Bug Tracking System (BTS)

Title: Organizing events in Debian

Title: Software packaging in Debian

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