Online seminar at UFAL - Brasil

27/06/2021 por Thiago Pezzo e Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana

On June, 3rd 2021, DD Paulo Santana (phls) and contributor Thiago Pezzo (tico) held an online seminar to the Social Work undergraduate course at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Brazil.

The lecture had the objective to spread the word about Debian's operational system and community, also introducing operational systems, Free Software movement, and software licenses to a non-specialized public. Some situations were addressed where social workers could use Debian GNU/Linux in their professional contexts.

Teachers and students from elementary/middle/high schools in partnership with UFAL were also present. We would like to thank Professor Telma Sasso for the opportunity! We hope that students and social workers alike be interested in and be involved with our Debian Brazil community.

You can watch (in portuguese) here

Seminário UFAL